ghci - parse error (possibly incorrect indentation or mismatched brackets) for Haskell -

i've been writing code in haskell, , ran error above. i've looked on here answer, couldn't find answer fixed problem.

makectordecls :: randomgen g => string -> randomstate g [ctordecl] makectordecls tp =   rng <- (randomrs (5 :: int, 7 :: int)   let listofctordecl = replicatecountm rng (makectordecl (tp))   return listofctordecl  replicatecountm :: (applicative m) => int -> (int -> m a) -> m [a] replicatecountm cnt0 f =     loop cnt0       loop cnt         | cnt <= 0  = pure []         | otherwise = lifta2 (:) (f cnt) (loop (cnt - 1)) 

it saying failing parse @ "let listofctordecl...."

you forgot close paren on line:

rng <- (randomrs (5 :: int, 7 :: int) 

it should be:

rng <- (randomrs (5 :: int, 7 :: int)) 


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