cocoa touch - iOS 11 & iPhone X: UINavigationBar's toolbar spacing incorrect when embedded in UITabBarController -

i experiencing annoying problem testing newest ios 11 on iphone x simulator.

i have uitabbarcontroller , inside each tab there uinavigationcontroller, each uinavigationbar has defined bottom toolbar (settoolbarhidden:), , default show @ bottom, on tabbar.

it has been working fine far , seems work fine in upcomming iphone 8 , 8 plus models, on iphone x there gap between toolbar , tabbar. guess toolbar doesn't realize displayed inside tabbar , leaves accommodating space @ bottom.

i guess way fix using custom toolbar , display/animate myself instead of using defaults uinavigationbar, hear other options :)

  • this how looks on iphone 8.
  • and here problem on iphone x.

enter image description here enter image description here


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