how to download pdf file from json in swift and alamofire in ios? -

how download pdf file in ios using swift 3.0 , alamofire . can able fetch url nsurlsession. looking alamofire code. please see code.

func downloadpdffile(_ sender : uibutton) {     print(sender.tag)     print("array values cell",totalsyllabusarray.object(at: sender.tag))     var localdic :nsdictionary!     localdic = totalsyllabusarray.object(at: sender.tag) as! nsdictionary     let filepath = localdic["filepath"] as! string     print("pressed ")     let strurl1:string = fetch_inmegh_image_baseurl + filepath     print("strurl1 ",strurl1)     let pathurl = url(string: strurl1)!     let sessionconfig = urlsessionconfiguration.default     let session = urlsession(configuration: sessionconfig)     let request = try! urlrequest(url: pathurl, method: .get)     let task = session.downloadtask(with: request) { (templocalurl, response, error) in         if let templocalurl = templocalurl, error == nil {             // success             if let statuscode = (response as? httpurlresponse)?.statuscode {                 print("success: \(statuscode)")                 print("templocalurl: \(templocalurl)")                               } else {                 print("failure: %@", error?.localizeddescription);             }         }     } } 


define destination that:

let destination: downloadrequest.downloadfiledestination = { _, _ in     let documentsurl = filemanager.default.urls(for: .documentdirectory, in: .userdomainmask)[0]     let fileurl = documentsurl.appendingpathcomponent("your.pdf")     return (fileurl, [.removepreviousfile, .createintermediatedirectories]) }   

and call url , destination:, to: destination).response { response in         let parentview = (self.superview?.superview as! uitableview).datasource as! procedureviewcontroller         parentview.hideactivityindicator()         if response.error == nil, let _ = response.destinationurl?.path {             //open pdf in uidocumentinteractioncontroller             self.doccontroller = uidocumentinteractioncontroller.init(url: response.destinationurl!)             self.doccontroller?.delegate = self.delegate!             self.doccontroller?.name = ""             self.doccontroller?.presentoptionsmenu(from: self.parentview!.bounds, in: self.parentview!, animated: true)         }     } 


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