java - Handle expired links while parsing JSON from within the android application -

i designing application in kotlin parses json-array. have completed application stuck on 1 minor(in case major) glitch.i have successfully parsed array , displayed required array of objects in cardview , opened link in browser when card item clicked.


the json contains links expired or no longer in use. how i handle such(expired) links within app when user clicks on particular card(with flowery message or `imageview)? comfortable in android basics , still learning devise kotlin in android application , searched on internet best of knowledge efforts went in vein.

any warmly , benignly welcomed....

below code fragment(feedviewholder.kt):

class feedviewholder(itemview: view):recyclerview.viewholder(itemview), view.onclicklistener,view.onlongclicklistener {  var txttitle: textview var txtpubdate: textview var txtcontent: textview  private var itemclicklistener: itemclicklistener? = null  init {     txttitle = itemview.findviewbyid( textview     txtpubdate = itemview.findviewbyid( textview     txtcontent = itemview.findviewbyid( textview      itemview.setonclicklistener(this)     itemview.setonlongclicklistener(this)  }  fun setitemclicklistener(itemclicklistener: itemclicklistener) {     this.itemclicklistener = itemclicklistener }  override fun onclick(v: view?) {     itemclicklistener!!.onclick(v, adapterposition, false) }  override fun onlongclick(v: view?): boolean {     itemclicklistener!!.onclick(v, adapterposition, true)     return true } } 

adapter class

class feedadapter(private val rssobject: rssobject, private  val   mcontext:context): recyclerview.adapter<feedviewholder>() { private val inflater:layoutinflater  init {     inflater = layoutinflater.from(mcontext) } override fun getitemcount(): int {     return rssobject.items.size }  override fun onbindviewholder(holder: feedviewholder, position: int) {      holder.txttitle.text = rssobject.items[position].title     holder.txtcontent.text = rssobject.items[position].content     holder.txtpubdate.text = rssobject.items[position].pubdate      holder.setitemclicklistener(itemclicklistener { view, position, islongclick ->          if(!islongclick){              val browserintent = intent(intent.action_view, uri.parse(rssobject.items[position].link))             browserintent.addflags(intent.flag_activity_new_task)             mcontext.startactivity(browserintent)         }      }) }  override fun oncreateviewholder(parent: viewgroup?, viewtype: int): feedviewholder { val itemview = inflater.inflate(r.layout.row,parent,false)     return feedviewholder(itemview) } 


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