HI, i am creating a unit test for simple game in c# , but they my each test are failing -

whenever run test, failed , output shows value set true actual value false

    private list<item> _items;     public list<item> items     {         {             return _items;         }     }      public inventory()     {         _items = new list<item>();     } 

this add items sword in inventory

    public void put(item itm)     {        // list<item> items = new list<item>();         items.add(itm);     } 

this returns true if item in inventory

    public bool hasitem(string id)     {        // item itm = null;        // put(itm);         bool hasitem = false;         foreach (item ident in _items)         {             if (item.equals(ident, id.tolower()))             {                 hasitem = true;             }         }         return hasitem;      } 

it takes item inventorey doesnn't remove

    public item take(string id)     {         foreach (item itm in items)         {              if (item.equals(id, id.tolower()))             {                 return itm;             }              _items.remove(itm);         }         return null;     } 

it removes take item inventory , remove it

    public item fetch(string id)     {         foreach (item itm in items)         {              if (item.equals(id, id.tolower()))             {                 return itm;             }          }         return null;     } 

this return description item

    public list<string> itemlist     {                 {             var description = new list<string>();             foreach (item itm in items)             {                description.add(itm.fulldescription);             }             return description;         }     [testfixture()] class inventoryunittest {     [test()]     public void add()     {         inventory id = new inventory();         id.put(new item(new string[] { "sword", "spade" }, "a sword", "this sword weapon"));         assert.areequal("paras", id.items[2], "adding");      }     [test()]     public void areyounot()      {         inventory id = new inventory();         bool testareyounot = id.hasitem("mine");         assert.areequal(false, testareyounot, "no");     }     [test()]     public void areyou()      {         inventory id = new inventory();         bool testareyou = id.hasitem("sword");         assert.areequal(true, testareyou, "yes");     }     [test()]     public void fetchitem()      {         inventory id = new inventory();         id.put(new item(new string[] { "sword", "spade" }, "a sword", "this sword weapon"));         id.fetch("sword");         assert.areequal("sword", id.items[0], "fetching item");      }     [test()]     public void takeitem()      {         inventory id = new inventory();         id.put(new item(new string[] { "sword", "spade" }, "a sword", "this sword weapon"));         assert.areequal("sword", id.items[1], "fetching item");      }     [test()]     public void itemlist()     {         inventory id = new inventory();         id.put(new item(new string[] { "sword", "spade" }, "a sword", "this sword weapon"));         assert.areequal("this sword weapon", id.items[0], "description");     } 


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