javascript - Creating Tableau WDC from associative array -

i creating tableau web data connector described in getting started guide here.

i have implemented similar solution previous data basic associative array, having trouble current api call.

i make api call external web service returns json similar 1 listed below (simplified version)(comment added clarity , not part of original code).

{     "status": true,     "employee": {         "id": 123     },     "company": {         "id": 123     },     "job": {         "id": 123,         "job_workflows": [{             "id": 1,             "name": "start",             "action_value_entered": "start"         }, {             "id": 2,             "name": "date",             "action_value_entered": "2017-09-11"         }, {             "id": 3,             "name": "crew",             "action_value_entered": "crew 3"         },         **comment** - 17 other unique fields - omitted brevity         ]     } } 

for requirements, need create new column each of json job_workflows display data in tableau. i.e.

  • column 1 header = start
  • column 1 value = start
  • column 2 header = date complete
  • column 2 value = 2017-09-11


my tableau javascript file looks below:

(function () {     var myconnector = tableau.makeconnector();      myconnector.init = function(initcallback) {         initcallback();         tableau.submit();     };      myconnector.getschema = function (schemacallback) {         var cols = [             { id : "start", alias : "start", datatype: tableau.datatypeenum.string },             { id : "date", alias : "date", datatype: tableau.datatypeenum.datetime },             { id : "crew", alias : "crew", datatype: tableau.datatypeenum.string }         ];          var tableinfo = {             id : "mydata",             alias : "my data",             columns : cols         };          schemacallback([tableinfo]);     };      myconnector.getdata = function (table, donecallback) {     $.getjson("http://some/api/call/data.php", function(response) {             var resp = response; // response json described above             var tabledata = [];               // iterate on json object             (var = 0, len = feat.length; < len; i++) {                 // not working                 tabledata.push({                     "start": resp.job.job_workflows[i].action_value_entered,                     "date": resp.job.job_workflows[i].action_value_entered,                     "crew": resp.job.job_workflows[i].action_value_entered                 });             }              table.appendrows(tabledata);             donecallback();         });     };      tableau.registerconnector(myconnector); })(); 

how iterate on json job_workflow , assign each action_value_entered id in getschema() function? current version hangs , no values returned. no error or warnings thrown.


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