php - Using a front end editor with static pages plugin -

im new ocms, have installed static pages , working good. want edit fields front page (in context editing) 1 of plugins, example: have dragged layout page, can't edit in front page. example how use static page plugin:

<img src="{mediafinder name="logo" label="logo" tab="general" mode="image"}{/mediafinder}" />  {repeater name="side_logos" tab="general" prompt="add content section"} {text name="my_title" label="my title"}{/text} {/repeater} 


we discussed exact problem op in chat. turned out there's better option use other plugins needs - this 1 static pages , this 1 inline editing.

the other thing is, once page becomes more or less dynamic (e.g. scripts can change/alter type of content) automatically stops being "static page".


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