office365 - Sending a notification email using Exchange rule or Microsoft Flow or Logic App -

our company has 5000 users. each user has office 365 corporate email account , majority of these users use outlook web access (owa) read/send emails.

out of 5000 users have 2000 users grouped category called sp (sales people). unfortunately, these 2000 users not computer savvy , reluctant use corporate email account.

they reluctant because not accustomed using owa. instead, use own personal email accounts such gmail, yahoo, hotmail, etc...

the problem send them important corporate messages emails since open owa, these emails never read or acknowledge.

a company policy not allow send corporate messages directly personal email accounts. information must stay in house.

we came following solution:

each time receive email in corporate account, email notification automatically sent personal email account quick message saying’ve got new corporate email, please come , check out.

exchange admin center (office 365)

our initial goal create new rule inside mail flow of exchange admin center of office 365 unfortunately, none of rules allow send new email.

the existing rules forwarding message etc...

our company policy prevents forwarding or cc/bcc message why need send new email.

microsoft flow

another alternative use microsoft flow. able create new flow sends email personal account each time receive corporate email. great!

but microsoft flow not allow me create flow , apply flow onto multiple users (such applying flow on 2000 users @ once).

considering these 2000 users not computer savvy, likelihood of them being able create individual flows wishful thinking. won’t happen...

microsoft flow introduced notion of team flow. team flow can invite people (for example, 2000 users) join flow. once join flow, become owner of flow giving them ability edit, update , delete flow impacting other 2000 users. unfortunately, can’t take risk nor can limit privileges.

i haven’t tried or looked @ logic apps (will face similar limitation did flow?).

does have better suggestion? i’m ears.



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