javascript - Append Multiple objects into single array -

i have array of objects of structure coming server response of iterated array object sample

array[1] ={     "id": "123",     "name": "john",     "age": "15"      } array[2] ={     "id": "456",     "name": "sue",     "age": "18"      } array[n] ={  } 

but want append array values if condition age below 18 in following structure of iterated values of above array expected output:

{     "stud": [{         "id": "123",         "name": "john",         "age": "15"     }, {         "id": "456",         "name": "sue",         "age": "18"     },{n........   }] } 


var output = { "stud" : array }; //existing 'array' 


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