java - How to get static final variables using JNA -

i using glew library glew32.dll (standard download glew website) , trying load variable glew_ok. variable defined in glew.h file (as uint of 0), assuming included in glew32.dll file. however, when use java jna code :

nativelibrary glew = nativelibrary.getinstance("glew.dll"); pointer p = glew.getglobalvariableaddress("glew_ok"); system.out.println(p.getint(0)); 

i given error of exception in thread "main" java.lang.unsatisfiedlinkerror: error looking 'glew_ok': specified procedure not found.

at com.sun.jna.nativelibrary.getglobalvariableaddress( @ mcclean.opengl.glew.glewutils.init( 

the library loaded fine, appears static variable not found. why static variable not being loaded?

looking @ header file glew.h, glew_ok found such:

/* error codes */ #define glew_ok 0 

this preprocessor definition. not "static final variable" conceive in java world. when c++ project compiled, preprocessor #defines "copypasted" preprocessor code. means if (val == glew_ok) literally changed if (val == 0).

since preprocessor replaces text, there no information names or origins of values originating defines in .dll file.

you need manually find values. can downloading binaries glew , navigating include/gl/glew.h file. after this, create class constants in java:

class glewconstants {     public static final int glew_ok = 0;     // ... } 


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