How to use Google Cloud Speech v1 on Android? -

i updated android google cloud speech code v1beta1 v1. there couple of changes in api, 1 of them new method called getwordslist().

i want use getwordslist() in android project, method doesn't seem visible code:

import; import; import; import;  ...  public void onnext(streamingrecognizeresponse response) {   int numofresults = response.getresultscount();   if( numofresults > 0 ){     (int i=0;i<numofresults;i++){       streamingrecognitionresult result = response.getresultslist().get(i);       speechrecognitionalternative alternative = result.getalternativeslist().get(0);       (wordinfo wordinfo: alternative.getwordslist()) { //-->>cannot resolve 'method'         system.out.println(wordinfo.getword());         system.out.println(wordinfo.getstarttime().getseconds() + " ");       }       ... 

this code official repo, however, getting following error:

cannot resolve method 'getwordslist()'

here gradle:

apply plugin: '' apply plugin: ''  android {     compilesdkversion 25     buildtoolsversion "25.0.0"     defaultconfig {         applicationid "org.test.test"         minsdkversion 24         targetsdkversion 24         versioncode 1         versionname "1.0"         testinstrumentationrunner ""          // enabling multidex support.         multidexenabled true     }     buildtypes {         release {             minifyenabled false             proguardfiles getdefaultproguardfile('proguard-android.txt'), ''         }     } }  protobuf {     protoc {         artifact = ''     }     plugins {         grpc {             artifact = 'io.grpc:protoc-gen-grpc-java:1.0.0'         }         javalite {             artifact = ''         }     }     generateprototasks {         all().each {             task ->                 task.builtins {                     remove javanano                     java {                     }                 }                 task.plugins {                     grpc {                     }                 }         }     } }  ext {     supportlibraryversion = '25.0.0'     grpcversion = '1.4.0' }  dependencies {     // generic dependencies     compile filetree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')     testcompile 'junit:junit:4.12'     compile ''      // support libraries     compile "$supportlibraryversion"     compile "$supportlibraryversion"     compile "$supportlibraryversion"     compile "$supportlibraryversion"     compile ''      // grpc     compile 'javax.annotation:javax.annotation-api:1.2'     compile("io.grpc:grpc-protobuf:${grpcversion}") {         exclude module: 'jsr305'     }     compile("io.grpc:grpc-stub:${grpcversion}") {         exclude module: 'jsr305'     }     compile("io.grpc:grpc-auth:${grpcversion}") {         exclude module: 'jsr305'     }     compile("io.grpc:grpc-okhttp:${grpcversion}") {         exclude module: 'jsr305'     }     // oauth2 google api     compile('') {         exclude module: 'jsr305'         exclude module: 'httpclient'     }  } 

i noticed, cannot use grpc libraries, example following library cannot imported:


how can use getwordslist() correctly in android? not using correct build version?

i use instead of getwordlist():

final speechrecognitionalternative alternative = result.getalternatives(0); text = alternative.gettranscript(); 

hope works.


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