gradle - How to stop buildSrc from automatically applying groovy-all jar as a dependency? -

i have gradle project set up, has buildsrc module inside of it. inside buildsrc, in build.gradle, have following:

dependencies {     compile 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.4.12'     ... } 

when trying build project, receive following error message:

2:07:13 pm: executing external task 'build --stacktrace'... :buildsrc:compilejava no-source :buildsrc:compilegroovy failed  failure: build failed exception.  * went wrong: execution failed task ':buildsrc:compilegroovy'. > java.lang.exceptionininitializererror (no error message) 

in stacktrace, see following error:

caused by: groovy.lang.groovyruntimeexception: conflicting module versions. module [groovy-all loaded in version 2.4.11 , trying load version 2.4.12     ... 15 more 

so, when @ project structure, see groovy-all-2.4.11.jar automatically being loaded buildsrc module.

picture of buildsrc including groovy-all-2.4.11.jar

if remove compile dependency groovy in build.gradle, work, there way force module use version of groovy want?

gradle applies default build script buildsrc project. script contains following line:

compile localgroovy() 

that how groovy-all-2.4.11 gets in. override behaviour, try setting resolutionstrategy, e.g.:

configurations.compile {   resolutionstrategy {     force 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.4.12'   } } 

but more importantly think, why want build against groovy version differs 1 available in plugin's runtime...


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