PHP artisan "PHP Fatal error" on allowed memory size in Laravel -

it's confusing, why error shown. i'm using laravel 5.4, after using composer update error shown.

$ composer update loading composer repositories package information updating dependencies (including require-dev) nothing install or update generating autoload files > illuminate\foundation\composerscripts::postupdate > php artisan optimize php fatal error:  allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried allocate 495616 bytes) in e:\xampp\htdocs\botble\vendor\symfony\debug\exceptionhandler.php on line 238 php fatal error:  allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried allocate 4096 bytes) in e:\xampp\htdocs\botble\vendor\symfony\debug\exception\flattenexception.php on line 203 script php artisan optimize handling post-update-cmd event returned error code 255 

as of answer on stack , other community, i'm test after update php.ini memory_limit 2048m. still same error shown.

any suggestion issue.

this memory limit issue . can try this

fist find composer directory using bellow command

$>which composer /usr/local/bin/composer 

after can update composer memory limit

$>php -d memory_limit=-1 /usr/local/bin/composer update 

-1 means unlimited memory
