ios - Is it possible to segue between root view controllers while keeping a modal on top of them? -

i'd reload view controller segueing (from itself) keep modal view on of during whole process. possible swift?

here's code i'm using segue between vcs. it's working fine.

enum appscreens: string {    case startup = "startupviewcontroller"    case welcome = "welcomescreen"    case profile = "profilescreen"    case game = "gamescreen" }  static func pagesegue(_ currentscreen: appscreens) {     let controllerid = currentscreen.rawvalue     let newvc: uiviewcontroller = uistoryboard(name: "main", bundle: nil).instantiateviewcontroller(withidentifier: controllerid) uiviewcontroller     let appdelegate = uiapplication.shared.delegate as! appdelegate     appdelegate.window?.rootviewcontroller = newvc } 


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