Swift iOS -How to set UIView's Height Anchor <= To A Label's Intrinsic Text Size? 'NSLayoutConstraint' is not convertible to 'Bool' -

i have programmatic view label inside of i'm pinning bottom of navbar. there dynamic text inside of label , want view label in @ least 64 pts or bigger if height of text makes smaller.

the intrinsic size of text label sets view @ noticeable height.

setviewandlabel(dynamictext: "unknown error\nplease try request again\error: 123") 

enter image description here

however intrinsic size of text makes height small:

setviewandlabel(dynamictext: "message deleted!") 

enter image description here

the message deleted! should more along lines of:

enter image description here

i used return keys set don't think that's correct way go because different messages generated:

setviewandlabel(dynamictext: "\nmessage deleted!\n") 

i tried:

if myview.heightanchor.constraint(lessthanorequaltoconstant: 64){      myview.heightanchor.constraint(equaltoconstant: 64).isactive = true } 

but error:

'nslayoutconstraint' not convertible 'bool'

what's best way set height view label in minimum height?

var mylabel: uilabel(){    let label = uilabel()    label.translatesautoresizingmaskintoconstraints = false    label.textcolor = uicolor.white    label.font = uifont(name: "helvetica-regular", size: 19)    label.numberoflines = 0    label.sizetofit()    label.textalignment = .center    return label }  let myview:uiview = {    let view = uiview()    view.translatesautoresizingmaskintoconstraints = false    return view }()  override func viewwillappear(_ animated: bool)    super.viewwillappear(animated){     setviewandlabel(dynamictext: //some text set here) }  func setviewandlabel(dynamictext: string){    view.addsubview(myview)    myview.backgroundcolor = uicolor.red    myview.topanchor.constraint(equalto: view.topanchor, constant: 64).isactive = true    view.widthanchor.constraint(equalto: view.widthanchor, constant: 0).isactive = true     myview.addsubview(mylabel)    mylabel.text = dynamictext    mylabel.topanchor.constraint(equalto: myview.topanchor, constant: 0).isactive = true    mylabel.widthanchor.constraint(equalto: myview.widthanchor, constant: 0).isactive = true    myview.bottomanchor.constraint(equalto: mylabel.bottomanchor, constant: 0).isactive = true     //this if statement doesn't work    if myview.heightanchor.constraint(lessthanorequaltoconstant: 64){         viewforerrorlabel.heightanchor.constraint(equaltoconstant: 64).isactive = true    } } 

this how have set constraints:

view.addsubview(myview) myview.topanchor.constraint(equalto: toplayoutguide.bottomanchor).isactive = true myview.leadinganchor.constraint(equalto: view.leadinganchor).isactive = true myview.trailinganchor.constraint(equalto: view.trailinganchor).isactive = true  myview.heightanchor.constraint(greaterthanorequaltoconstant: 64).isactive = true  myview.addsubview(mylabel) mylabel.topanchor.constraint(equalto: myview.topanchor).isactive = true mylabel.leadinganchor.constraint(equalto: myview.leadinganchor).isactive = true mylabel.trailinganchor.constraint(equalto: myview.trailinganchor).isactive = true mylabel.bottomanchor.constraint(equalto: myview.bottomanchor).isactive = true 

you not need check label's height @ all. can create height greater or equal constraint myview , height never smaller 64pt (or whatever value set to) - if label contains short text.


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