mysql - Rails Mysql2::Error: SHOW command denied to user -

i hope can me, i'm having troubles ruby on rails 4.2.7, i'm trying copy information external db rails app using select() keeps giving me error:

mysql2::error: show command denied user 'rouser'@'' table 'areas': show create table program (activerecord::statementinvalid)

checking rails log, displays executes sql:

select idprogram, programname, status `program` 

and same error above.

but if connect manually same external database same user , password mysql workbench, , run same sql statement, works fine, table exists in external db.

i'm using rails 4.2.7 , mysql2 0.3.18

if execute show grants table in mysql workbench this:

'grant select (idprogram, programname, status) on mydbname.program 'rouser'@'%'


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