c# different result on different cpu -

i wrote ai online mobile game in c#. have lots of computations ai players , getting different results on server (for validation of game result) , clients. guess it's because of different results of double variable in different cpu architectures. hence, i'm looking solution solve once , all. i've tried rounding of computations 4 digits , didn't work , since c# doesn't have bigdecimal (like java) , couldn't find implementation, can't use either. tried using decimal instead of double math functions cos , sin doesn't accept decimal.

in experience either rounding errors on float types, or because using random number generator relies on part of machines architecture.

if using math.random maybe have @ different psuedo-random number generator (or rolling own).

also ok momentarily update state of ai on client server i.e. use server source of truth. if update enough shouldn't apparent diversions happening.


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