git - Jenkins - How do I publish coverage report to github -

i trying use github-pr-coverage-status-plugin, documentation says need run following on master branch:

step([$class: 'mastercoverageaction'])

but when add pipeline following error:

java.lang.unsupportedoperationexception: can't find git_url or change_url in envs: {branch_name=master, build_display_name=#41, build_id=41, build_number=41, build_tag=jenkins-testci-master-41, build_url=, classpath=, hudson_home=/var/jenkins_home, hudson_server_cookie=01f6aedeea333d1f, hudson_url=, jenkins_home=/var/jenkins_home, jenkins_server_cookie=01f6aedeea333d1f, jenkins_url=, job_base_name=master, job_display_url=, job_name=testci/master, job_url=, run_changes_display_url=, run_display_url=}     @ com.github.terma.jenkins.githubprcoveragestatus.pridandurlutils.getgiturl(     @ com.github.terma.jenkins.githubprcoveragestatus.mastercoverageaction.perform(     @ org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.corestep$     @ org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.corestep$     @ org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.synchronousnonblockingstepexecution$1$     @     @ org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.synchronousnonblockingstepexecution$     @ java.util.concurrent.executors$     @     @ java.util.concurrent.threadpoolexecutor.runworker(     @ java.util.concurrent.threadpoolexecutor$     @ finished: failure 

i have tried multiple ways inject these variables. in latest try, looked @ source code class, changed pipeline be:

pipeline {    agent    options {     skipdefaultcheckout()   }   environment {     // calling credentials() sets 3 environment variables     // git_hub  <username>:<password>     // git_hub_user <username>     // git_hub_psw <password>      git_hub = credentials('tmhjenkins')     docker_repo  = 'mobilityhouse'     docker_hub   = credentials('tmhitadmin')     git_url_property = "https://$"   }    stages{     ...     ... stage('coverage & tests') {       steps {         sh 'pip3 install -e .'         sh 'make coverage-xml'         script {           currentbuild.result = 'success'           sh(script: 'export git_url_property="https://$"')           env.git_url_property = "https://$"           step([$class: 'mastercoverageaction'])         }       }     }  ... 


alas, fails too. how supposed use plugin within pipeline? appreciated.


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