SVG Line Animation Reversed in Safari? -

i've built pretty simple spinning animations site, , great in chrome/firefox, reason, they're animating in reverse in safari. i've played around changing values of offsets, nothing seems working. there workaround @ all?

.sq {    width: 50vw;    height: auto;    padding: 2.2vw;  }    .path {    stroke-dasharray: 250;    stroke-dashoffset: 250;    animation: line 3s ease forwards;  }    @keyframes line {    {      stroke-dashoffset: -250;    }    {      stroke-dashoffset: 0;    }  }
<div class="sq">  <svg xmlns="" viewbox="0 0 81.32 81.32">    <defs>      <style>        .cls-1{fill:#202020;opacity:0.1;}        .path{fill:none;stroke:#ef3f44;stroke-miterlimit:10;stroke-width:5px;}      </style>    </defs>    <g id="94" data-name="94">      <g id="objects">        <circle cx="40.66" cy="40.66" r="27.17" class="cls-1"/>        <path d="m40.66 79.15a38.49 38.49 0 1 1 38.49-38.49 38.53 38.53 0 0 1-38.49 38.49zm0-76.07a37.58 37.58 0 1 0 37.58 37.58a37.63 37.63 0 0 0 40.66 3.08z" class="cls-1"/>        <path d="m26.83 5.1a38.16 38.16 0 1 0 13.83-2.6" class="path"/>      </g>    </g>  </svg>   </div>

also feel free check out on codepen well:

safari doesn't support negative dashoffsets. you'll need work around reversing path , having dashoffset animate other way.


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