php - Laravel Omnipay 2checkout "Bad request - parameter error" -

i'm using laravel, omnipay integrate 2checkout , checkout controller code.

<?php  namespace app\http\controllers;  use illuminate\http\request; use omnipay\omnipay;  class checkoutcontroller extends controller { public function order(request $request) {     $gateway = omnipay::create('twocheckoutplus_token');     $gateway->setaccountnumber('xxxxxx');     $gateway->settestmode(true);     $gateway->setprivatekey('xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx');     $gateway->setcart(         [             [                 "name" => "demo item",                 "price" => "4.99",                 "type" => "product",                 "quantity" => "1",                 "recurrence" => "4 year",                 "startupfee" => "9.99"             ]         ]     );      $formdata = [         'firstname' => 'test',         'lastname' => 'test',         'email' => '',         'billingaddress1' => 'test',         'billingaddress2' => 'test',         'billingcity' => 'test',         'billingpostcode' => '77500',         'billingstate' => 'test',         'billingcountry' => 'usa',     ];      $purchase_request_data = [         'card' => $formdata,         'token' => $request->token,         'transactionid' => '18617',         'currency' => 'usd',         'amount' => '200.00',     ];      $response = $gateway->purchase($purchase_request_data)->send();      //dd($response);      if ($response->issuccessful()) {         $transaction_ref = $response->gettransactionreference();     } else {         $error = $response->getmessage();         dd($error);     } } } 

i keep getting error "bad request - parameter error" , have passed parameters

this package i'm using

note: account sandbox

enter image description here


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