lucene - Solr Facet Search - Get Value based on Max and Group by -

i trying price based on maximum timestamp grouped source.

the solr query have right pulls maximum timestamp each source. how can modify query pull corresponding price associated maximum timestamp?

http://localhost:6500/solr/listings/select?q=desc_t:"watch"&indent=on&rows=0&indent=true&wt=json&json.facet= {     prices: {         type: terms,         field: source_s,         facet: {             max_ingestdate: "max(timestamp_dt)"                                    }              }         } 

this returns back:

"facets":{     "count":141211,     "prices":{       "buckets":[{           "val":"a1",           "count":71466,           "max_ingestdate":1.505277283278e12},         {           "val":"a2",           "count":52415,           "max_ingestdate":1.501872553356e12},         {           "val":"a3",           "count":7866,           "max_ingestdate":1.504798294686e12},.... 

i want corressponding price final result should be:

"facets":{ "count":141211, "prices":{   "buckets":[{       "val":"a1",       "count":71466,       "max_ingestdate":1.505277283278e12,       "price": 1334},     {       "val":"a2",       "count":52415,       "max_ingestdate":1.501872553356e12,       "price": 1234},     {       "val":"a3",       "count":7866,       "max_ingestdate":1.504798294686e12       "price": 1342},... 

i not sure possible grab 1 document within json facet here semi-hack use if wanted use recent price. facet source, doing, , within source facet use query facet on price in series of short time windows.

the solr call like:

http://localhost:65000/solr/listings/select?q=description_t:"watch"&indent=on&rows=0&indent=true&wt=json&json.facet=     {         prices: {             type: terms,             field: source_s,             facet: {                 max_ingestdate: "max(timestamp_dt)",                 max_price: "max(price_d)",                 price_1: {                     type: query,                     q: "timestamp_dt:[now-1day now]",                     facet: {                         avg_price_1: "avg(price_d)"                     }                 },                 price_2: {                     type: query,                     q: "timestamp_dt:[now-7day now-1day]",                     facet: {                         avg_price_2: "avg(price_d)"                     }                 },                 price_3: {                     type: query,                     q: "timestamp_dt:[now-14day now-7day]",                     facet: {                         avg_price_3: "avg(price_d)"                     }                 }             }          }     } 


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