android - How can I share a specific srcSet/configuration with a downstream module? -

i have :a (upstream module).

inside :a, there's src/fakes/java want share downstream modules. contains fake implementations of interfaces within :a useful testing purposes. want include within :a tests, , optionally expose downstream consumers.

:a's build.gradle

android {   sourcesets {     fakes {       java {         srcdir         srcdir 'src/fakes/java'       }     } 'src/fakes/java'   }    configurations {     fakes     fakes.extendsfrom(main)     fakes.transitive false   } } 


:b's build.gradle

dependencies {   compile project(path: ':a')   testcompile project(path: ':a', configuration: 'fakes') } 

however, when compiling test classes within :b reference classes within :a's src/fake/java, unresolved reference error. because :a not build .apk fakes configuration.

how can achieve this? i'd prefer not utilize android's product flavors if possible.


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