c# - How to distinguish between a query string variable and a URL segment variable with Web API 2.0 attribute routing? -

lets have following apicontroller , method:

[routeprefix("configs")] public class fullconfigcontroller : apicontroller {     [route("{id}")]     [httpget]     public string getconfig(guid id)     {         return "my config data";     } } 

it's simple method designed return basic configuration data based on configurations id represented guid. intention call end point such


however not route through engine. yet this


does. how specify not want query string parameter here url segment parameter instead?

edit: request webapiconfig

public class routetemplatevariables {     public const string pluginroot = "pluginroot";     public const string corepluginroot = "corepluginroot";     public const string additionalsegments = "additionalsegments"; }  public static class webapiconfig {     private static readonly log4net.ilog log = log4net.logmanager.getlogger(system.reflection.methodbase.getcurrentmethod().declaringtype);      public static void register(httpconfiguration config)     {         log.info("webapiconfig.register()");          // attribute routing         config.maphttpattributeroutes();          // convention-based routing.         config.routes.maphttproute(             name: "pluginapi",             routetemplate: "api/plugin/{" + routetemplatevariables.pluginroot + "}/{*" + routetemplatevariables.additionalsegments + "}",             defaults: new { additionalsegments = routeparameter.optional }         );          config.routes.maphttproute(             name: "coreapi",             routetemplate: "api/{" + routetemplatevariables.corepluginroot + "}/{*" + routetemplatevariables.additionalsegments + "}",             defaults: new { additionalsegments = routeparameter.optional }         );     } } 


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