ios - How does CLLocation implement the Equatable protocol? -

in answering question on so, found cllocation class conforms equatable protocol. method use determine equality?

exact match of lat/long? exact match of lat/long , altitude? exact match of latitude, longitude, altitude, , timestamp? speed , course? cllocation objects created lat/long pair? various other values of location not optionals, altitude location created using init(latitude:longitude:)?

how cllocation implement equatable protocol?

it doesn't. there no overridden == function compares 2 cllocation instances. when calling == 2 cllocation instances, nsobject == function used:

public func ==(lhs: nsobject, rhs: nsobject) -> bool 

to compare 2 cllocation instances, either compare properties on each care (latitude or longitude), or use built in distance(from:) method 2 locations , compare cllocationdistance threshold.


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