swift3 - TableView crashes under uncaught exception 'NSUnknownKeyException', this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key x.' -
i can't seem make tableview custom cells work. runtime error
terminating app due uncaught exception 'nsunknownkeyexception', reason: '[ setvalue:forundefinedkey:]: class not key value coding-compliant key causecampaigndescription.'
the weird thing that property not called anymore. cell file mainviewcontrollertableviewcell
// // mainviewcontrollertableviewcell.swift // // // created on 9/13/17. // copyright © 201. rights reserved. // import uikit class mainviewcontrollertableviewcell: uitableviewcell { @iboutlet weak var causecampaignimageview: uiimageview! @iboutlet weak var causedescription: uilabel! @iboutlet weak var daystofinishlabel: uilabel! @iboutlet weak var raisedovertotallabel: uilabel! @iboutlet weak var percentagecompletedlabel: uilabel! @iboutlet weak var goalprogresview: uiprogressview! //card used on @ibinspectable var cornerradius : cgfloat = 2 @ibinspectable var shadowoffsetwidth : cgfloat = 0 @ibinspectable var shadowoffsetheight : cgfloat = 5 @ibinspectable var shadowcolor : uicolor = uicolor.black @ibinspectable var shadowopacity : cgfloat = 0.5 override func awakefromnib() { super.awakefromnib() // initialization code } override func setselected(_ selected: bool, animated: bool) { super.setselected(selected, animated: animated) // configure view selected state } override func layoutsubviews() { layer.cornerradius = cornerradius layer.shadowcolor = shadowcolor.cgcolor layer.shadowoffset = cgsize(width: shadowoffsetwidth, height: shadowoffsetheight) let shadowpath = uibezierpath(roundedrect: bounds, cornerradius: cornerradius) layer.shadowpath = shadowpath.cgpath layer.shadowopacity = float(shadowopacity) } }
and view controller holds table view mainviewcontroller:
// // viewcontroller.swift // // // created on 1/28/17. // copyright © 2017. rights reserved. // import uikit import alamofire import swiftyjson import firebase class mainviewcontroller: uiviewcontroller,uitableviewdelegate,uitableviewdatasource { var campaignrowsdata = [causecampaign]() var serverfetchcampaignsurl = config.global._serverurl @iboutlet weak var campaigntableview: uitableview! //show navigation controller bar var facebookid = "", twitterid = "",firebaseid = "" override func viewdidload() { super.viewdidload() // additional setup after loading view, typically nib. //hide bar navigation controller settoolbar() campaigntableview.delegate=self campaigntableview.datasource=self campaigntableview.separatorcolor = uicolor(white: 0.95, alpha: 1) recoveruserdefaults() getcampaignlist() //print(facebookid, twitterid, firebaseid) } func settoolbar(){ //hide bar navigation controller self.navigationcontroller?.isnavigationbarhidden = false self.navigationitem.sethidesbackbutton(true, animated: false) self.navigationcontroller?.navigationbar.bartintcolor = uicolor.purple } func getcampaignlist(){ alamofire.request(serverfetchcampaignsurl+"/campaigns/get/all/user/\(twitterid)/firebase/\(firebaseid)/cat/0", method: .get).validate().responsejson { response in switch response.result { case .success(let data): let campaigncausesjson = json(campaigncausesdata: data) self.parsecampaigncauseslistresponse(campaigncausesjson) //alternative thread operation dispatchqueue.main.async { self.campaigntableview.reloaddata() } case .failure(let error): print(error) } } } func parsecampaigncauseslistresponse(_ campaigncausesjson:json){ if let activecampaigncount = campaigncausesjson["active_campaigns_count"].string { //now got value print("total_active_campaigns",activecampaigncount) campaignsglobaldatamanagerutil.campaigntotalcount = int(activecampaigncount)! } if let contributoruserid = campaigncausesjson["contributor_user_id"].string { //now got value print("contributor_user_id",contributoruserid) currentuserutil.contributoruserid = contributoruserid } if let usertwitterfollowersqty = campaigncausesjson["user_twitter_followers_qty"].int { //now got value print("user_twitter_followers_qty",usertwitterfollowersqty) currentuserutil.twitterfollowerscount = int(usertwitterfollowersqty) } //parsing campaigns object array campaigncausesjson["camp_array"].arrayvalue.map({ let campaigncause:json = $0 parsecampaign(campaigncause) }) } //todo:change datatape object func parsecampaign(_ causecampaign:json){ let causecampaignobject: causecampaign = causecampaign(); causecampaignobject.description = causecampaign["cause_description"].stringvalue causecampaignobject.id = causecampaign["campaign_id"].stringvalue if let contributorsqty = causecampaign["contributors_qty"].int{ causecampaignobject.contributorsqty = contributorsqty } causecampaignobject.currencysymbol = causecampaign["currency_symbol"].stringvalue if let currentcontributions = causecampaign["current_contributions"].float{ causecampaignobject.currentcontributions = currentcontributions } if let goal = causecampaign["goal"].float { causecampaignobject.goal = goal } if let goalpercentageachieved = causecampaign["goal_percentage_achieved"].float{ causecampaignobject.goalpercentageachieved = causecampaign["goal_percentage_achieved"].float! } causecampaignobject.hashtag = causecampaign["hashtag"].stringvalue causecampaignobject.name = causecampaign["name"].stringvalue if let remainingammounttogoal = causecampaign["remaining_ammount_to_goal"].float{ causecampaignobject.remainingammounttogoal = remainingammounttogoal } if let picurl = causecampaign["pic_url"].stringvalue as? string { causecampaignobject.picurl = picurl } if let campaignstartingdate = causecampaign["created_at"].string{ causecampaignobject.campaignstartingdate = campaignstartingdate } if let campaignendingdate = causecampaign["campaign_ending_date"].string{ causecampaignobject.campaignendingdate = campaignendingdate } var foundationsarray = [foundation]() causecampaign["foundations"].arrayvalue.map({ let id = $0["foundation_id"].stringvalue let twitterusername = $0["twitter_username"].stringvalue let picpath = $0["pic_path"].stringvalue let name = $0["name"].stringvalue let foundation:foundation = foundation(id,twitteraccount: twitterusername,picpath: picpath,name: name) foundationsarray.append(foundation) }) causecampaignobject.foundations = foundationsarray campaignrowsdata.append(causecampaignobject) // foundations = "<null>"; //innecesario // sacar de la request inicial??? // "went_inactive_date" = "<null>"; // "tweet_id" = 900936910494810112; } func tableview(_ tableview: uitableview, numberofrowsinsection section: int) -> int { return campaignrowsdata.count } func tableview(_ tableview: uitableview, cellforrowat indexpath: indexpath) -> uitableviewcell { let cell = campaigntableview.dequeuereusablecell(withidentifier: "campaigncell", for: indexpath) as! mainviewcontrollertableviewcell //setting card attributes print("row",campaignrowsdata[indexpath.row].description) let campaigncause:causecampaign = campaignrowsdata[indexpath.row] if let desc = campaigncause.description as? string{ cell.causedescription.text = desc } else { print("null") } return cell } func recoveruserdefaults(){ if let fbid = userdefaults.standard.object(forkey: config.global._facebookiduserdefaults) as? string { facebookid = fbid }else{ print("facebook id null") } if let twtid = userdefaults.standard.object(forkey: config.global._twitteriduserdefaults) as? string{ twitterid = twtid }else{ print("twitter id null") } if let firid = userdefaults.standard.object(forkey: config.global._firebaseiduserdefaults) as? string{ firebaseid = firid }else{ print("twitter id null") } return } }
- the app crashes if line
uncommented (i don't know when , if should use this) - if set label can't see on screen, see blank cards, again, uncomment
crashes - there's no
, it's calledcausedescription
don't know why error keeps mentioning field - the data
ok since printed , has right content it's not that
what problem?
searching project causecampaigndescription
turn offending xib and/or storyboard containing outdated key path. however, it's been experience xcode not 100% reliable finding things in xibs , storyboards, if xcode's search feature won't find it, command in terminal turn straightaway:
find /path/to/your/project/directory -name .git -prune -or -type f -exec grep causecampaigndescription {} \; -print
once find offending item in xib or storyboard, change correct string , should solve problem.
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