android - Gradle: Resolve dependencies ':app:_debugApk' -

i have problem in android studio. of sudden, stucks @ starting app building. tried changing repos , nothing changes.

if create new project have no errors.

this error message: gradle: resolve dependencies ':app:_debugapk'. loading bar moving endlessly.

this entire project build.gradle:

buildscript {     repositories {         jcenter()     }     dependencies {         classpath ''         classpath ''     } }   allprojects {     repositories {         mavencentral()     } }  task clean(type: delete) {     delete rootproject.builddir } 

here app build.gradle:

apply plugin: ''  android {     compilesdkversion 25     buildtoolsversion '25.0.3'      defaultconfig {         applicationid "app id"         minsdkversion 17         targetsdkversion 25         versioncode 1         versionname "1.0"         testinstrumentationrunner ""     }     buildtypes {         debug {             resvalue "string", "google_maps_api_key", "api key"             minifyenabled true             proguardfiles getdefaultproguardfile('proguard-android.txt'), ''             debuggable true         }         release {             resvalue "string", "google_maps_api_key", "api key"             minifyenabled true             proguardfiles getdefaultproguardfile('proguard-android.txt'), ''             debuggable true         }     } }  dependencies {     compile filetree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')     androidtestcompile('', {         exclude group: '', module: 'support-annotations' })       compile ''     compile ''      compile ''     compile ''      compile ''     compile ''     compile ''     compile ''     compile ''     compile ''     compile ''     compile ''     compile ''     compile ''      compile ''     compile 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:3.7.0'     compile 'org.osmdroid:osmdroid-android:5.6.3'     compile 'com.sothree.slidinguppanel:library:3.3.1'     compile 'com.mikhaellopez:circularimageview:3.0.2'     compile 'com.github.florent37:materialtextfield:1.0.7'      testcompile 'junit:junit:4.12' }  apply plugin: '' 

what should correct error?


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