vb.net - Attempting to create code in Visual Basic to connect to a specific table in SQL Server, where to start? -

imports system.data.sqlclient imports system.data public class form1     inherits system.windows.forms.form     'create ado.net objects.     private myconn sqlconnection     private mycmd sqlcommand     private myreader sqldatareader     private results string      private sub form1_load(sender object, e eventargs) handles mybase.load         'create connection object.         myconn = new sqlconnection("initial catalog=contacts;" & "data source=)         'create command object.         mycmd = myconn.createcommand         mycmd.commandtext = "select "     end sub end class 

that have far , getting info google. first project in vb. boss man wants me become programmer. unsure how initial catalog , data source bit written.

i'm no expert on this, try this:

imports system.data.sqlclient  public class form1      private sub form1_load(sender object, e eventargs) handles mybase.load          dim ssqlcommand string = "select yourcolumnname yourtablename"         dim myconnection new sqlconnection("data source=;initial catalog=yourdatabasename;user id=yourusername;password=yourpassword;")         dim mycommand new sqlcommand(ssqlcommand, myconnection)         dim mydataadapter new sqldataadapter(mycommand)         dim mydataset new dataset         dim mydatatable new datatable          try             myconnection.open()             mydataadapter.fill(mydataset, "yourtablename")             if mydataset isnot nothing andalso mydataset.tables.count > 0 andalso mydataset.tables(0).rows.count > 0                 mydatatable = mydataset.tables(0)             end if         catch ex exception             ' handle error here                     if not isnothing(myconnection)                 if myconnection.state <> connectionstate.closed                     myconnection.close()                 end if             end if         end try      end sub  end class 

you'll want substitute sql statement, ip address of sql instance (if it's on local machine, should work), database name, username , password (which shouldn't hardcoded in production) , table name.

i'm sure there better resources this, think work. of information coming sql server management studio.


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