rest - Get aws bucket content listing using Postman - "Get Bucket (Version 2)" RestAPI -

i using postman send aws s3 restapi "get bucket (version 2)" bucket listing.

name of bucket "" ( dummy nonexistent domain used when naming bucket in aws). user credentials using has permissions make s3 calls. following info on page -

i using endpoint : sending following headers : content-type, host, x-amz-content-sha256, x-amz-date, authorization

do need add "list-type" query parameter or header? if query parameter, how state in url.

i getting following response, not contain listing of content, info bucket itself:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <listallmybucketsresult xmlns="">     <owner>         <id>6893100ea2b48696e8ccc3aa17414f4325cf59b574474ad9de0bcb0d139590c9</id>         <displayname>ahmedsmail</displayname>     </owner>     <buckets>         <bucket>             <name></name>             <creationdate>2017-09-06t06:36:15.000z</creationdate>         </bucket>     </buckets> </listallmybucketsresult> 

any appreciated.

thank you, ahmed.

you can following:

  1. set methos get
  2. in url:
    note: if region of bucket not in us-east-1, change correct s3 endpoint of region.
  3. in authorization tab, set following:
    a. type: aws signature
    b. accesskey:
    c. secretkey:
    d. aws region: us-east-1
    note: change if not region of bucket
    e. service name: s3
    f. check "save helper data request"
  4. go headers tab, delete entries if there any.
  5. then click "send" button

here sample result


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