reactjs - How i can use DropDown from Materialize css in React -
how can use dropdown materialize css in react component? when click on button, there no dropdown content code below:
import react , {component} 'react'; import 'materialize-css'; export default class extends component{ opendropdown(){ $('.dropdown-button').dropdown({ induration: 300, outduration: 225, constrainwidth: false, // not change width of dropdown of activator hover: true, // activate on hover gutter: 0, // spacing edge beloworigin: false, // displays dropdown below button alignment: 'left', // displays dropdown edge aligned left of button stoppropagation: false // stops event propagation } ); } render(){ return( <div classname="input-field col s12"> <a classname='dropdown-button btn' data-activates='dropdown1' onclick={()=> this.opendropdown} >drop me!</a> <ul classid='dropdown1' classname='dropdown-content'> <li><a href="#!">one</a></li> <li><a href="#!">two</a></li> <li classname="divider"></li> <li><a href="#!">three</a></li> <li><a href="#!"><i classname="material-icons">view_module</i>four</a></li> <li><a href="#!"><i classname="material-icons">cloud</i>five</a></li> </ul> </div> ) } }
there's import materialize, (it's react compatible materialize module, makes work super easy!) suggest using it, rather making yourself.
though docs yet complete, can refer them! getting started materialize react :
materialize dropdown here :
good going!
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