Requesting content from IIS Webapp over Tomcat Spring app through Kerberos security -

so go straight point.

i have 2 machine in same domain. 1 machine contacts on http client spring app on tomcat machine b. spring tomcat app contacts iis application (exchange ews api), calculates data , retrieves machine client.

for security reasons defined use kerberos authentication. can call independently spring app endpoint , iis app endpoint machine , gets authenticated through kerberos , retrieves data.

the problem when contact spring app contacts iis app error spring tomcat app unauthorized 401.

i tried pinging iis app machine b , goes ok well.

some information: tomcat on machine b started local service user.

i kerberos log on machine b while executing defined call error: error code: 0x7 kdc_err_s_principal_unknown

this strange because added setspn -r machine-b.

not sure next , real issue is.



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