mysql - What data scheme should I use for school website to handle the data of all students and staff along with their daily attendance? -

i new in dynamic web developing , working on school website can hold necessary data (including students' details, staff's details, transport routes, news, events, attendance, photos , other necessary data). getting confused type of schema should use store data. because if use single table students i won't able handle daily attendance (separate each lecture/session), because in 1 row student's detail stored .will have create different table each person (students , staff) ? or if there other way achieve please let me know. hope have got problem. appreciated. in advance...

based on op's comment

could please tell me attendance ? or give me basic idea of how store attendance. , thats asking for.

you want have table similar this...

create table studentattendance(studentid int, attendancedate datetime, attended bit); 

have concatenated primary key on studentid , attendancedate way insert 1 record per day indicating whether student in attendance.


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