How to load a GeoJSON layer on a MapBox GL JS map? -

i need load geojson feature collection layer (points) in mapbox gl js map.

i've tried use html / javascript code

<!doctype html> <html> <head>     <meta charset='utf-8' />     <title></title>     <meta name='viewport' content='initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no' />     <script src=''></script>     <link href='' rel='stylesheet' />     <style>         body { margin:0; padding:0; }         #map { position:absolute; top:0; bottom:0; width:100%; }     </style> </head> <body>  <div id='map'></div> <script> mapboxgl.accesstoken = '<put mapbox key here>'; var map = new{     container: 'map',     style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9',     center: [7.828,44.836],     zoom: 9 });  map.addcontrol(new mapboxgl.navigationcontrol());  thecoords = { "type": "featurecollection", "features": [ { "type": "feature", "properties": { "name": "<b>entrata castello del valentino<\/b>", "info": "torino", "img_src": "<img src=\"http:\/\/\/database\/1t.jpg\">", "image,c": "<a href=\"http:\/\/\/database\/1.entrata_castello_del_valentino.jpg\" target=\"_blank\">immagine 360 ΓΈ<\/a>", "longitudine": 7.6855111, "latitudine": 45.0546417, "altitudine": 288.39, "direzione": 202.5, "data": "2017:06:06", "ora": "17:57" }, "geometry": { "type": "point", "coordinates": [ 7.6855111, 45.0546417 ] } },     { "type": "feature", "properties": { "name": "<b>via frazione di buriasco<\/b>", "info": "buriasco (to)", "img_src": "<img src=\"http:\/\/\/database\/1b.jpg\">", "image,c": "<a href=\"http:\/\/\/database\/1.via_frazione_di_buriasco.jpg\" target=\"_blank\">immagine 360›<\/a>", "longitudine": 7.4303883, "latitudine": 44.8816653, "altitudine": 0.0, "direzione": 292.5, "data": "2017:06:16", "ora": "19:27" }, "geometry": { "type": "point", "coordinates": [ 7.4303883, 44.8816653 ] } },     { "type": "feature", "properties": { "name": "<b>via regione maineri<\/b>", "info": "buriasco (to)", "img_src": "<img src=\"http:\/\/\/database\/1a.jpg\">", "image,c": "<a href=\"http:\/\/\/database\/1.via_regione_maineri.jpg\" target=\"_blank\">immagine 360›<\/a>", "longitudine": 7.4328394, "latitudine": 44.8790463, "altitudine": 336.29, "direzione": 180.0, "data": "2017:06:16", "ora": "20:23" }, "geometry": { "type": "point", "coordinates": [ 7.4328394, 44.8790463 ] } },     { "type": "feature", "properties": { "name": "<b>via frazione di buriasco<\/b>", "info": "buriasco (to)", "img_src": "<img src=\"http:\/\/\/database\/10b.jpg\">", "image,c": "<a href=\"http:\/\/\/database\/10.via_frazione_di_buriasco.jpg\" target=\"_blank\">immagine 360›<\/a>", "longitudine": 7.4236184, "latitudine": 44.8790577, "altitudine": 0.0, "direzione": 270.0, "data": "2017:06:16", "ora": "19:30" }, "geometry": { "type": "point", "coordinates": [ 7.4236184, 44.8790577 ] } },     { "type": "feature", "properties": { "name": "<b>via rivasecca<\/b>", "info": "buriasco (to)", "img_src": "<img src=\"http:\/\/\/database\/10c.jpg\">", "image,c": "<a href=\"http:\/\/\/database\/10.via_rivasecca.jpg\" target=\"_blank\">immagine 360›<\/a>", "longitudine": 7.4266083, "latitudine": 44.88725, "altitudine": 348.79, "direzione": 0.0, "data": "2017:06:16", "ora": "20:16" }, "geometry": { "type": "point", "coordinates": [ 7.4266083, 44.88725 ] } },     { "type": "feature", "properties": { "name": "<b>viale mattioli<\/b>", "info": "torino", "img_src": "<img src=\"http:\/\/\/database\/10t.jpg\">", "image,c": "<a href=\"http:\/\/\/database\/10.viale_mattioli.jpg\" target=\"_blank\">immagine 360›<\/a>", "longitudine": 7.687725, "latitudine": 45.0566306, "altitudine": 282.6, "direzione": 292.5, "data": "2017:06:06", "ora": "17:44" }, "geometry": { "type": "point", "coordinates": [ 7.687725, 45.0566306 ] } } ] };  map.on('load', function () {         map.addsource("route", {                 "type": "geojson",                 "data": {                         "type": "featurecollection",                         "properties": {},                         "geometry": thecoords                 }         });          map.addlayer({                 "id": "route",                 "type": "symbol",                 "source": "route",                 "paint": {                         "circle-radius": 10,                         "circle-color": "#ff0000"                 }         }); });  </script>  </body> </html> 

no errors come out in browser console can't see layer on map. i've checked geojson using , seems right (and using tool geojson drawn on tool map ....).

i think geojson structure don't know hao resolve

i've solved!

here you're right code ...

<!doctype html> <html> <head>     <meta charset='utf-8' />     <title></title>     <meta name='viewport' content='initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no' />     <script src=''></script>     <link href='' rel='stylesheet' />     <style>         body { margin:0; padding:0; }         #map { position:absolute; top:0; bottom:0; width:100%; }     </style> </head> <body>  <div id='map'></div> <script> mapboxgl.accesstoken = '<put mapbox key here>'; var map = new{     container: 'map',     style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9',     center: [7.828,44.836],     zoom: 9 });  map.addcontrol(new mapboxgl.navigationcontrol());          map.on('load', function () {                 map.addsource("route", {                         "type": "geojson",                         "data": "./data/test.geojson"                 });          map.addlayer({                 "id": "route",                 "type": "circle",                 "source": "route",                 "paint": {                         "circle-radius": 5,                         "circle-color": "#ff0000"                 }         }); });  </script>  </body> </html> 

i've put geojson in file , used "data": "./data/test.geojson" upload .....


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