laravel 5 - MAMP incorrect PHP version -

i have mamp installed , when start server choose php 5.6.1, when run php -v in terminal in mamp/htdocs/project folder shows 5.5.36 , if run composer install throws error

doctrine/annotations v1.3.0 requires php ^5.6 || ^7.0 -> php version (5.5.36) not satisfy requirement.

moreover, if run in mamp/htdocs shows 5.6.31.

what doing wrong , should update php?

mamp uses different version of php system. mamp version of php installed to:


so, if do:

/applications/mamp/bin/php/php5.6.1/bin/php -v 

you correct version displayed.

if edit ~/.bash_profile file on machine add following lines (and reopen terminal):

alias php='/applications/mamp/bin/php/php5.6.1/bin/php' export mamp_php=/applications/mamp/bin/php/php7.1.1/bin export path=$mamp_php:$path 

(if have path setup in ~/.bash_profile, append :$mamp_php end)

you can do:

php -v 

get correct version. , can run composer install or composer update correct version of php.

this have setup in .bash_profile reference.

enter image description here


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