ios - printing only a array with all data with firebase -

printed result

["data1"] ["data1", "data2"] ["data1", "data2", "data3"]  ...  

wanted result last printed array data or getting last array me out

["data1", "data2", "data3"]  

here code use data firebase

 var dataarray = [string]()       func fetchfirebasedata(){             var datref: databasereference!             datref = database.database().reference()          datref.child("data").observe(.childadded, with: { (snapshot) in              if let dictionary = snapshot.value as? [string: anyobject]{                 let data = speisekarteinfos(dictionary: dictionary)                 data.setvaluesforkeys(dictionary)                  self.dataarray.append(!)                  print(self.dataarray)             }          }, withcancel: nil)       } 

you observing .childadded events, called repeatedly, once each entry in database. haven't used firebase, based on little googling sounds should instead observe .value event, , refactor code expect of them @ once. this:

 var dataarray: [string]?   func fetchfirebasedata(){         dataarray = []         var datref: databasereference!         datref = database.database().reference()      datref.child("data").observe(.value, with: { (snapshot) in         item in snapshot.children {             if let dictionary = item as? [string: anyobject]{                 let data = speisekarteinfos(dictionary: dictionary)                 data.setvaluesforkeys(dictionary)                  self.dataarray.append(!)             }         }         print(self.dataarray)      }, withcancel: nil) } 

i'm doing guesswork on format of data .value call, i'm not positive above work, should @ least point in right direction.

note in version request @ once .value observer, loop through children returned, build them array, , print array once they're returned.

from i'm reading looks .value observer called elements every time database updated. if database dynamic not approach.


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