c# - Error After Updating Azure Web Jobs SDK update -

hi have updated nuget packages azure web jobs sdk version 2.0 , getting following error.

 microsoft.azure.webjobs.host.functioninvocationexception: exception while executing function: functions.sparkpostcold_queue ---> system.invalidoperationexception: exception binding parameter 'emails' ---> system.invalidoperationexception: invalid invoke string format attribute. @ microsoft.azure.webjobs.host.bindings.attributecloner`1.new(string invokestring) @ microsoft.azure.webjobs.host.bindings.defaultattributeinvokerdescriptor`1.frominvokestring(attributecloner`1 cloner, string invokestring) @ microsoft.azure.webjobs.host.bindings.attributecloner`1.<resolvefrominvokestringasync>d__10.movenext() 

my function looks below.

   public static void queueitem(     [table("emails")] iqueryable<emailentity> emails,     [queue("queue")] icollector<string> outputqueuemessage,     textwriter logger)     {         var query = p in emails select p;         foreach (emailentity email in query)         {             outputqueuemessage.add(email.rowkey);          }     } 

any thoughts highly appreciated.

i think regression bug in sdk. saw filed https://github.com/azure/azure-webjobs-sdk/issues/1337 . i'll take @ it. follow issue updates.


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