javascript - jQuery Datatable cell not updating -

i have table using jquery datatables with.


enter image description here


as can see in picture, there delete link. when link clicked, modal pop-up show asking user if want delete item. if yes, delete.. if no.. cancel out of modal.

what want:

when user decides delete item , confirms it.. change status of item "deleted", via ajax. able change value, value not show in table. have researched couple of days now, nothing seems work.

my code

<table id="item-table" class="table table-bordered">     <thead>     <tr>         <th class="text-center">             @html.displaynamefor(model => model.assettag)         </th>         <th class="text-center">             @html.displaynamefor(model => model.codemakemodel.makemodel)         </th>         <th class="text-center">             @html.displaynamefor(model => model.codestatu.status)         </th>         <th></th>     </tr>     </thead>      <tbody>         @foreach (var item in model)         {             <tr class="text-center">                 <td>                     @html.actionlink(item.assettag, "edit", new { id = })                 </td>                 <td>                     @html.displayfor(modelitem => item.codemakemodel.makemodel)                 </td>                 <td class="changestatus">                     @html.displayfor(modelitem => item.codestatu.status)                 </td>                 <td>                     <a href="#" class="js-item-delete text-danger" data-item-id="">delete</a>                 </td>             </tr>         }     </tbody> </table>  @section scripts{     <script>          var settings = {};         settings.baseuri = '@request.applicationpath';         var infogeturl = "";         if (settings.baseuri === "/projectonservername") {             infogeturl = settings.baseuri + "/api/itemsapi/";         } else {             infogeturl = settings.baseuri + "api/itemsapi/";         }         $(document).ready(function () {              var itemstable = $("#item-table").datatable({                 "aocolumndefs": [                     { "bsortable": false, "atargets": [3] },                     { "bsearchable": false, "atargets": [3] }                 ]             });              $("#item-table").on("click",                 ".js-item-delete",                 function() {                     var link = $(this);                      bootbox.confirm({                         title: "delete item?",                         message: "are sure want delete item?",                         buttons: {                             cancel: {                                 label: '<i class="fa fa-times"></i> cancel'                             },                             confirm: {                                 label: '<i class="fa fa-check"></i> confirm'                             }                         },                         callback: function(result) {                             if (result) {                                 toastr.options = {                                     timeout: 5000                                 }                                  $.ajax({                                     url: infogeturl +"item-id"),                                     method: "delete",                                     success: function (result) {                                         //itemstable.cell(itemstable.row(this), 2).data("deleted");                                         //itemstable.draw();                                         //itemstable.reload();                                         console.log(itemstable.cell(itemstable.row(this), $('.changestatus')).data());                                          itemstable.cell(itemstable.row(this), $('.changestatus')).data("deleted").draw();                                          console.log(itemstable.cell(itemstable.row(this), $('.changestatus')).data());                                          toastr.success("item deleted");                                     },                                     error: function(jqxhr, textstatus, errorthrown) {                                         var status = capitalizefirstletter(textstatus);                                         console.log(jqxhr);                                         toastr.error(status + " - " + errorthrown, "sorry, went wrong.");                                     }                                 });                             }                         }                     });                 });              function capitalizefirstletter(string) {                 return string.charat(0).touppercase() + string.slice(1);             }         })     </script> } 

what receiving

in above code, these lines:

console.log(itemstable.cell(itemstable.row(this), $('.changestatus')).data());  itemstable.cell(itemstable.row(this), $('.changestatus')).data("deleted").draw();  console.log(itemstable.cell(itemstable.row(this), $('.changestatus')).data()); 

i logging value of cell before update cell value, changing cell value, logging new/updated cell value.

here receiving in console:

enter image description here

but table not updating, or rather.. redrawing show deleted.. way show deleted refresh page defeats purpose of ajax..

how table update cell value without page refresh?

any appreciated.

i able answer myself of daviddomain in comments.

he suggested possibly selecting incorrect row. gave me idea row @ start of adding:

$("#item-table").on("click",     ".js-item-delete",     function() {         var link = $(this);         var row = $(this).parents("tr"); // row element 

then set cell data using variable so:

itemstable.cell(itemstable.row(row), $('.changestatus')).data("deleted").draw(); 

this worked , drew table updated value.


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