Storing project gloal forms/classes in C# -

i working on 20 year old program written multiple programmers apparently didn't know comments exist (also code in german).

in project there multiple forms , classes global projects in solution (for example choose project, choose file, enter name...)

right these forms stored in whatever project programmer had open @ time makes annoying find anything.

how go storing forms global of projects of solution (can opened , used project)? create new project store them? there better ways in visual studio? how handle storing global forms/classes in general?

thanks help!

the ideal approach separating reusable code non-reusable code platform dependent , platform independent code. require create project shared among other projects within same solution.



  • foo - reusable class library/portable class library (pcl) (platform independent)

  • bar - reusable forms project (platform dependent)


  • forms project uses bar

  • forms project b uses foo & bar

  • web project c uses foo (cannot use bar because of platform incompatibility)

business logic platform independent ideally written in separate project multiple platforms reuse code.

note forms projects , web projects 2 different platforms , cannot mutually share codes.


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