node.js - TypeScript + NodeJS readline property missing -

i'm working on small project in typescript tsc -v 2.4.2 , node v6.10.3.

i capture keypresses in cli, tried import * readline 'readline' , later use readline.emitkeypressevents(process.stdin), complains the property emitkeypressevents not found on typeof readline.

i have done npm install --save @types/node.

here's m(n)we:

import * readline "readline"; import {sigint} "constants";  export class inputmanager {     private _currentstates: array<ikeyentity>;     private _oldstates: array<ikeyentity>;      public constructor()     {         // throws error, won't compile         readline.emitkeypressevents(process.stdin);     }      public handleinput()     {         if (process.stdin.istty)             process.stdin.setrawmode(true);          process.stdin.on('keypress', (str: string, key: any) => {             process.stdout.write('handling keypress ['+str+']');              if (key && key.ctrl && ( == 'c' || == 'l'))             {                 process.kill(, sigint);             }         });     } } 

the method indeed missing node typings. correct name emitkeypressevents (with lower-case p), 1 missing. assume simple oversight, i've submitted pr addition definitelytyped. might take while process (around week, if goes well), in mean time can type check code adding local declaration file containing inputmanager:

declare module 'readline' {   export function emitkeypressevents(stream: nodejs.readablestream, interface?: readline): void; } 


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