ios - Refresh Token AWS Cognito User Pool, Code Block Not Even Running -

i attempting refresh users tokens, , doing in "child" app has access idtoken, accesstoken, refreshtoken, , user's information aside password. sandboxed , cannot communicate main app.

i have attempted following code run initiateauth

let authparams = [     "refresh_token": user.refreshtoken,      "secret_hash": config.getclientsecret() ]  let provider = awscognitoidentityprovider(forkey: config.getclientsecret())  let req = awscognitoidentityproviderinitiateauthrequest() req?.authflow = awscognitoidentityproviderauthflowtype.refreshtoken req?.clientid = config.getclientid() req?.authparameters = authparams  provider.initiateauth(req!).continuewith() {     resp in     print("i'm not running")     if (resp != nil) {         print(resp.error.debugdescription)     } else {         print(resp.result.debugdescription)     }     return nil } 

shockingly enough, continuewith block of code doesn't run @ all, , print statement "i'm not running" not called. i'm @ loss of do, seems doing in sdk:


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