ios - Check if line break in the UILabel -

i have problem using uilabel. set line count 0. when label receives big string value, occurred line break, problem when height of label, height comes smaller should, comes value line only, shown string 2 lines.

i have tried use code below, no avail.

let originalheight = label.frame.size.height label.sizetofit() //or label.layoutifneeded() let newheight = label.frame.size.height 

originalheight , newheight equals.

if line break made using character \n, above code works.

// mark: - getting dynamic height of string

convenience init(for bodytext: string, width: cgfloat) { if (bodytext.characters.count ?? 0) <= 0 {     return 0 } let cellfont = uifont(name: "helvetica", size: 15.0)     //uifont *cellfont = [uifont systemfontofsize:13.f]; var paragraphstyle = nsmutableparagraphstyle.default.mutablecopy() paragraphstyle.linespacing = 1 paragraphstyle.lineheightmultiple = 1.0 /// set line break mode paragraphstyle.linebreakmode = nslinebreakbywordwrapping /// set text alignment paragraphstyle.alignment = .natural let attributesdictionary: [anyhashable: any] = [         nsfontattributename : cellfont!,         nsparagraphstyleattributename : paragraphstyle     ]  let expectedlabelsize = bodytext.boundingrect(with: cgsize(width: width, height: flt_max), options: .useslinefragmentorigin, attributes: (attributesdictionary as? [string : any] ?? [string : any]()), context: nil).size 
