Integrating Cordova plugin in Outsystems -

i'm using open source plugin named tesseract (link) in outsystems project. i'm making required changes, , made 2 client actions follows:


tesseractplugin.loadlanguage($parameters.language,  function(response) {   $resolve(response);   $parameters.response = response; },  function(reason) {   $reject('error on loading ocr file language. ' + reason);   $parameters.reason = reason; } 



tesseracttext.recognizetext($parameters.imagedata, $parameters.language,  function(recognizedtext) {   $parameters.text = recognizedtext; },  function(reason) {   $reject('error on recognizing text image. ' + reason);   $parameters.reason = reason; } 


i have added url extensibility configurations, keep getting error: tesseractplugin not defined.

how fix it?

i apologize if i'm stating obvious things have done already, people forget obvious. so...

1) make sure extensibility configurations in espace created plugin in following format:

{     "plugin" :{         "url": ""     } } 

2) remember cordova plugins can tested using native build. won't work on browser or in outsystemsnow.

3) remember generate new native build app after you've added reference plugin (from experience common mistake).


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