firebase messaging token returns null javascript -

i'm following instruction here , cannot token firebase messaging: gettoken returns null. since cannot include firebase srcipt in stackoverflow snippet, here's code:


// initialize firebase var config = {     apikey: "aizasycmlkvlzbv5peluzg99hzjm0h6cqskvqwe",     authdomain: "",     databaseurl: "",     projectid: "rps-multiplayer-6e91f",     storagebucket: "",     messagingsenderid: "879810800461" }; firebase.initializeapp(config);  var bigone = document.getelementbyid('bigone'); var dbref = firebase.database().ref().child('text'); dbref.on('value', snap => bigone.innertext = snap.val());  //firebase message const messaging = firebase.messaging();  messaging.requestpermission() .then(function() {     console.log('have permission');     return messaging.gettoken(); }) .then(function(token) {     console.log(token); }) .catch(function(err) {     console.log('error occured'); }); 


<body> <h1 id="bigone"></h1> 
    <script src=""></script>     <script src=""></script>     <script src=""></script>     <script src=""></script>     <script src=""></script> </body> 

i'm aware there's similar question, answer doesn't fit case because i'm not hosting files anywhere, files on local machine. i've tested firefox , shows "error occurred" it's not google chrome's problem.


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