visual studio - Windows 10 app using angular and cordova -

i'm trying create windows 10 app angular project. first time using it. i'm using visual studio 2017 cordova tools. project generated contains www folder.

after building angular project, removed files inside , moved dist contents www folder.

then tried build , run project within visual studio local machine windows-64. works fine now, build success , run well. generates white screen after splashscreen

in output console have : exception thrown @ line 1, column 25606 in ms-appx-web://.../www/scripts/vendor.71fa8c15.js 0x800a139e - javascript runtime error: syntaxerror exception thrown @ line 1, column 26118 in ms-appx-web://.../www/scripts/vendor.71fa8c15.js 0x800a139e - javascript runtime error: syntaxerror

i'm new , know if i'm missing 1 step or else. there different windows 10 application ?

by way, if build android or ios works


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