node.js - How use backticks in npm scripts on windows -

my workflow npm scripts, running commands in node_modules along simple shell commands.

unfortunately makes difficult windows users due using backticks in commands (see example below). have pull request volunteering convert shelljs/shx build repo build cross-platform can't figure out solution backticks in npm scripts.


  • what shell npm use? on windows appears not support backticks.
  • is there workaround? piping doesn't help, alas, rm, mkdir etc don't use stdin.

example backtick use in package.json:

  "mkdirs": [     "dist/as",     "libs",     "models/scripts"   ],   "scripts": {     "mkdirs": "mkdir -p `bin/pkgkey.js mkdirs`",     .... 

.. bin/pkgkey.js mkdirs script returns mkdirs array. may seem odd it's great organizing npm-style workflow.

the pkgkey script (simplified):

#!/usr/bin/env node  const fs = require('fs') const json = json.parse(fs.readfilesync('package.json')) const key = process.argv[2] let val = json[key] if (array.isarray(val)) val = val.join(' ')  process.stdout.write(val) 

check cross-env, don't know if work use case use make npm scripts platform independent

npm --save-dev cross-env  "mkdirs": "cross-env mkdir -p ..."


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