javascript - How can I convert a date and time into a time only using angular-moment? -

so have dates this:

$scope.sample_time = "september 14th 2017, 1:00:00 pm"; 

and in view, want show time example 1:00 pm.

using angular-moment, tried {{ sample_time | amparse:'hh:mm a'}} 2017-09-14t06:00:00.000z.

am missing here? appreciated.

because "september 14th 2017, 1:00:00 pm" not default valid date, need parse first, corresponding format use (which 'mmmm yyyy, h:mm:ss a' ), got valid date , can use amdateformat format it: amdatformat:'hh:mm a'

{{ sample_time | amparse:'mmmm yyyy, h:mm:ss a' | amdateformat: 'h:mm s'}} 

a plunker:


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