javascript - Data keeps on duplicating after adding to database -

i have table has starting id of 1. have function gets last added id using limittolast(1) , added 1 next data add database have 2 key if ever last added id 1.but happened this:

this whatt happened in database

it added 2 key data added continues add more , duplicates data. code:

   function uploadproperty() {       user = firebase.auth().currentuser;   var selectedfile;   var propertiesref = db.ref('property/');   propertiesref.orderbychild("property").limittolast(1).on("child_added",    function(snapshot) {     var getkey = number(snapshot.key);    var id = getkey + 1;    firebase.database().ref("property/" + id).set({       property_id: id,      user_id: user.uid,      property_desc: $("#desc").val() ,       property_address: $("#address0").val() ,          property_slot: $("#slot").val(),      property_price: $("#price").val(),      rent_type: $("#renttype").val(),      type: $("#type").val(),      lat: $("#lat").val(),      lon: $("#lon").val(),      date_created: $("#datecreated").val(),        image_path: $("#image").val()      });     desc.value = '';      address0.value = '';     slot.value  = '';   price.value  = '';   type.value  = '';   renttype.value  = '';   lat.value  = '';   lon.value  = '';        });   } 

you should using once() instead of on(). on() leaves listener attached, when store new child with:

firebase.database().ref("property/" + id).set(...); 

the listener fires again.


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