facebook php sdk - Instagram Graph API: Media Thumbnail URL -

i'm using instagram graph api in business account, , works fine. have created wordpress port of facebook sdk, , function retrieves media items looks (part of class, $fb object authenticated using default_access_token in class constructor):

public function get_media( $business_account_id = '', $limit = 15 ) {     $limit = absint( $limit );      try {         $response = $this->fb->get( "/{$business_account_id}?fields=media.limit({$limit}){media_url,caption,thumbnail_url,permalink}" );         return $response->getdecodedbody();     } catch ( \facebook\exceptions\facebookresponseexception $e ) {         return $e->getmessage();     } catch ( \facebook\exceptions\facebooksdkexception $e ) {         return $e->getmessage();     } } 

the fields i'm requesting, can see, are: media_url, caption, thumbnail_url , permalink. api responds fields except thumbnail_url:

array(2) {     ["media"]=>     array(2) {         ["data"]=>         array(15) {             [0]=>             array(4) {                 ["media_url"]=>                 string(91) "https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/..."                 ["caption"]=>                 string(356) "[...]"                 ["permalink"]=>                 string(40) "https://www.instagram.com/p/.../"                 ["id"]=>                 string(17) "..."             }             ...         }         ["paging"]=>         array(2) {             ["cursors"]=>             array(2) {                 ["before"]=>                 string(123) "..."                 ["after"]=>                 string(122) "..."             }             ["next"]=>             string(438) "https://graph.facebook.com/v2.10/..."         }     }     ["id"]=>     string(17) "..." } 

i same response using graph api explorer, makes me think related app, maybe permissions (currently manage_pages , instagram_basic), special setting or bug (i don't think so, in case...).

what i'm missing?

looks thumbnail_url available videos only. solution process images php resized version of media object , cache them don't have regenerate images on every request.


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