- Can't build chart with data from database -

i can't build chart data database. tried this, don't work


public actionresult chart() {     return partialview("_chart"); } 

in main view:

img src="@url.action("chart")"/> 

partial view (_chart.cshtml):

@using testproject.models;  @{     datetime[] xval = new datetime();     decimal[] yval = new decimal();      testprojectcontext db = new testprojectcontext();     var deals = d in db.dealsdirectory                 select d;      deals.tolist().foreach(x => xval.add(;     deals.tolist().foreach(y => yval.add(y.price));      var chart = new chart(width: 600, height: 400)         .addtitle("Зависимость цены от времени")         .addseries(             name: "usd",             xvalue: xval,             yvalues: yval,             charttype:"line")         .write(); } 

your code has basic syntax problem prevent code compile!

the below snippet not valid !

datetime[] xval = new datetime(); decimal[] yval = new decimal(); 

you can not assign datetime object array/collection of datetimes

you can use implicit variable declaration along linq query expression.

this should work

@{           var db = new testprojectcontext();          var xval = =>;     var yval = => g.price).toarray();      var chart = new chart(width: 600, height: 400)         .addtitle("Зависимость цены от времени")         .addseries(             name: "usd",             xvalue: xval,             yvalues: yval,             charttype:"line")         .write(); } 


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