windows - mpiexec - Credentials for user rejected connecting host -

to exercise more familiar mpi, installed ms-mpi on windows 10 machine, , mpi4py (python mpi). tried hello_world code:

from mpi4py import mpi  def main ():     comm = mpi. comm_world     rank = comm . get_rank ()     size = comm . get_size ()     print " hello " + str( rank ) + " in " + str( size )   if __name__ == " __main__ ":     main () 

then, windows command admin executed following command:

mpiexec -n 8 python 

i get:

user credentials needed launch processes: account (domain\user) [desktop-3cfsbj8\hazem]:

i did registration, mpiexec - register username/pwd, execute again command, , following error:

credentials user rejected connecting host.

the problem comes when executing command mpiexec.


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