parsing - Javascript functions or methods that take radix? -

these functions take radix argument:

  • num.tostring(radix);
  • parseint("123", radix);

is there other function or method takes radix (number base), because want use parsefloat("1a.b4",radix).

but since don't imagine there lot of them, please name of them if know, useful, thanks.

edit: yes parsefloat("1a.b4",16)should 26.703125. if @ , num.tostring(radix) supports bases 2 36

in firefox console (333.444).tostring(36) equals "99.fzf9i56mi"

generalizing @paulpro's comment function, redefine parsefloat() so:

parsefloat = function parsefloat (string, radix = 10) {    if (radix == 10) {      return this(string)    }        const [istring, fstring = '0'] = string.split('.')    const inumber = parseint(istring, radix)    const fnumber = parseint(fstring, radix)    const flength = math.max(fnumber.tostring(radix).length, fstring.length)    const sign = infinity / inumber === infinity ? 1 : -1        return inumber + sign * fnumber / radix ** flength  }.bind(parsefloat)    console.log(parsefloat('1a.b4', 16))  console.log(parsefloat(0.05.tostring(16), 16))  console.log(parsefloat('7', 16))  console.log(parsefloat('-0.8', 16))

i'm not sure if looking for, hope helps.


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